Made For More

Made For More

Focus Scriptures: Acts 17:28, Ecclesiastes 3:11, John 10:10,

Esther- Chapters 1 - 10, Ephesians 3:20


Let me start this by reiterating something. I am a through and through follower of Jesus. Everything I do is to bring Him glory. I was made for Him. I was made to worship and glorify His name. I was made to make His name known far and wide. I was made to live my life as a living sacrifice for Him. I was made to love Him. And I was made for such a time as this.

There's a worship song I love that says, "It's in You we live and we move and we have our being, Lord. It's in You we find our whole purpose to know You and make you known." Lyrics pulled straight from His word. I realize that not everyone who may read this is a born again believer, however this truth is still the truth. We were made for His glory and His purpose. This is why His word says that He put eternity in our hearts. This is something only He can fill. It's that still small nudge that says there's something more. But it is always our choice to say yes.

You were made for Him. You were made for a purpose. Those two statements are linked with one another. He made you for a purpose that can truly only be found in Him. I can't tell you what that is, only He can. His plan has always been to give life and life more abundantly. And in that He reveals our purpose. There are many women in the bible that God made and used for His purpose. Women whose lives made a difference for God and people.

Take the "famous" Esther for example. This woman, though put in a situation by man that wasn't the greatest, chose to say yes to God's purpose, have courage in Him, and go boldly before a king to plead for her people. A risk that she knew could turn out badly for herself, but the risk of a people that could perish if nothing was done outweighed the other. And because of that, her people, God's people, were spared and freed. The Lord was with her in that situation and fulfilled a greater purpose than what any person had planned. 

So many other women that the Lord used for a greater purpose than what they could've ever imagined. And He's still the God that can accomplish through his work in us more than what we could ask or imagine. He made you on purpose, for a purpose. What an amazing thing to know that the Maker of heaven and earth, the One who is above all longs to include and use us for His glory.

You are made for more. And like Esther, you are here for such a time as this. All He desires is your yes. 

 As always,

Be Pretty, Be You

You are so loved

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