He Stays
Focus Scriptures: Deuteronomy 7:9, Matthew 28:20, John 15:13, Psalm 94:14, Psalm 73:23
I remember being in school and always having a hard time fitting in and keeping friends. Don’t get me wrong, I did have a couple of really good friends by the time I was a sophomore in high school, but I distinctly remember the times I had none one to hang out with. I played alone at recess in elementary school. I was trying to find someone to hang out with at brunch and lunch in 6th grade. Just different times of having no friends at all and trying my hardest to fit in to make some. And many times the friends I did make ended up leaving. I really was not a popular person that everyone was dying to be friends with lol If you look at my yearbook pictures you’ll believe it lol
But when I look back I see there was One who was always committed to me. One who, no matter how many times I was rejected as a friend, always stayed.
There may have been times in your life that you experienced the exact same. Maybe it wasn’t a friend that left you. Maybe it was a spouse or a parent or just someone significant in your life. Maybe you’ve always had a hard time making and keeping relationships in your life because they always want to leave you for no reason at all. But Jesus promises to never leave you when you enter into a relationship with Him. He told His disciples that He’d be with them to “end of the age”.
When everyone else decides to leave He says, “I’ll stay.” He laid down His life to have a covenantal relationship with you.
God's word says that His faithfulness is great and that He will never leave us. He is that committed Father, that committed friend, that committed lover. That committed anyone that we need. He's not One that will run out on you. He is in a relationship with you for the long haul. He'll never trade you in for the next "best thing" because according to Him you are the best thing. He'll never get bored of you because to Him you're worth spending eternity with. And He will never stop loving you because He is love, so it cannot and will not run out. He is there every day, every hour, every minute, and yes, every second. He will always stay.
As always,
Be Pretty, Be You
You are always worth loving