He Holds Your Future

He Holds Your Future

Focus Scriptures: Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 19:21, Colossians 1:16-17, Proverbs 16:4,

Before reading this I feel I must warn you that your feathers may be ruffled a little. Remember what I said in the last blog about grace and grit? lol But know that this comes from a place of genuine love and a desire to see Christ glorified and your life changed for the better. He truly and wholeheartedly loves you. So, here we go...

There's something that has grown wildly popular in the mainstream world. Something that has come in and caused so many to believe that they have this "divine-like" power to make things happen in their life. You may have already guessed what I'm talking about, but for clarifying sake I will just call it out. Manifesting. Manifesting your own destiny, dreams, visions, etc. This whole wild idea that you have the power to make things happen in your life by you and you alone. I have to be honest and say this has never sat well with me and it never will.

I realize that this may make me unpopular with the masses, but I was never meant to be popular, I'm meant to be set apart. 

I read up on where this ideology comes from, and let me just say I never thought it was biblical, but I found nothing but things like self help and self reliance info, or things from other religions. All of which talk about finding the higher power that one has in themselves. To be honest, your girl can't even walk into a room and remember why she went in there in the first place, so to think that I have this higher power in myself is bonkers lol Like, I get lost even with clear and concise driving directions and an app verbally telling me which way to go lol So, it is absolutely needless to say that I need someone much greater and so much higher to order my steps. To be the one that holds my life. 

There is only one who has the power to bring your destiny into fruition. There is only one who can give you a hope and a future. By all means pray and speak those things that you desire for your life to Him, but align them with His word and allow Him to work with you in achieving those things. He gives you freewill to make choices and He desires you to choose Him and His will for your life. He holds your destiny. He holds your life. I believe we have all seen in our own lives how easy it is to make mistakes, so to think that we can ever cause anything good to happen in our own power is outrageous lol And to "manifest" anything in our own power is to fully deny His. He is the sovereign one. We are not.

May your life be totally reliant upon the One who is so much better and greater than you. He is the only one that knows and holds your future, and only He can bring it into fruition.

As always, 

Be pretty. Be you.

You are completely loved.

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